
Maureen Ellis and Michael Slater
 North Craven 
 Heritage Trust 

As usual the Journal comprises an interesting variety of articles, accounts of outings and walks. This year we would especially like to draw your attention to the note on the Guide for Submission of Articles particularly with regard to references so that we can be more consistent. This note will also be put on the website. Articles are very welcome from any source and the editors can help if you have ‘good ideas’ and want to turn them into articles for the entertainment, education and amusement of readers and wish to place relevant material on record for posterity.

In a typical Journal there are about 36,000 words and the editors and helpers read every one and look for errors. Occasionally two or three words incorrectly typed escape attention!

The recent members’ survey revealed that the Journal was of prime popularity among members. We would like to make a plea that to continue this high standard of varied and relevant articles we do need additional help from members both on the editorial and technical side. We urgently seek someone interested in the publishing process and willing to be involved, with the prospect of taking over eventually and introducing their own ideas and preferences for content and presentation.

Finally we sincerely thank our advertizers for their continued support in difficult times for business and ask you specifically to look at the end pages as well as all the other contributions.

The final assembling of the journal is an interesting collaboration between Lamberts, the printers and us the co-editors, but particularly this year thanks should go to Jill Sykes and John Asher who have been extremely helpful in contributing illustrations. To publish a professional standard journal, assiduous proof reading is vital. Sylvia and John Harrop with their wealth of experience undertake this task and we are very grateful.
