
Maureen Ellis and Michael Slater
 North Craven 
 Heritage Trust 

The ethos of the Journal is to present an eclectic range of articles to satisfy a variety of reading tastes. The first category is based on research and so these articles will have a comprehensive list of references. Sometimes, if they are very numerous, a more complete list is on the web-site version of the Journal. Conformity of style is often difficult to achieve as authors come from different disciplines. The web-site is a very important element of the Trust, and it has enquiries from all over the world, usually about family ancestors. There are then the more anecdotal and personal descriptions of how life was lived in North Craven, within living memory. We do not have a ‘letters to the editor’ page but a writer will send in an article, which picks up on a previous one and adds to knowledge. These are a very welcome addition, and are interesting and helpful. Heritage is a very wide term and comprises the landscape with its geology, weather, buildings, industries, work-force as well as the flora and fauna, including people. We always try to explain archaic and technical terms. The obituaries we publish are generally of members who have written for the Journal, led walks and outings or been active committee members.
