Walk from Langcliffe Car Park

Sunday 5th March 2000 Leader Philip Hudson

We set off up Pike Lane and the field archaeology was pointed out on both sides. There were medieval lynchets, an ancient sheep house, trackways, and field systems on the right-hand side going up, while the site of the more modern allotments was pointed out on the left. At this lower stage of the walk Phil could just about be heard in the high wind. Passing out of the lane into the open field, ancient walls and boundaries were pointed out and the line of the original routeway up to Winskill. A large depleted lime kiln site was shown in this field, believed to have been in use before the Langcliffe Lime Works were started in earnest. The wind was getting stronger now, so unfortunately most people could not hear what was being said about the archaeology. At the top of the hill we saw the ancient pack-horse route coming down and disappearing under a modern wall, presumably following the scarp top through to Stainforth and beyond. Walking through Lower Winskill land gave an opportunity to see 16th century field walls, and how modern wallers are keeping up the tradition of walling. The original date-stone of the house had been incorporated into the more modern rebuilding of the original house. The footpath was followed up towards Winskill Stones. Unfortunately the style was broken which necessitated the party negotiating a very boggy gate-hole. Another disused limekiln was pointed out, which had been used as a rubbish tip. Alongside were ancient building foundations and trackways. The wind was very strong up on the top of Winskill Stones Nature Reserve. The leader led a depleted group of stalwarts along the limestone top, pointing out the ends of the co-axial field banks, tumuli and building foundations. Another lime kiln was pointed out at the roadside, which appears to have never been completed. The party then made their way back to Langcliffe Car Park. Rita Hudson